Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan sets out an ambitious course of action over the coming years to address the issue of climate breakdown

climate action greener home

Climate breakdown is already having a big impact on Ireland’s environment, society and natural resources. The Climate Action Plan sets out an ambitious course of action over the coming years to address this issue.

The Plan charts a course towards ambitious decarbonisation targets. It recognises that Ireland must significantly step up its commitments to tackle climate disruption. Taking decisive action to confront climate disruption will be a major challenge to every dimension of our society, but the benefits are huge – warmer homes, cleaner air, a sustainable use of the world’s scarce resources, more connected communities, authentic values, and quality jobs in enterprises which can compete in a decarbonised world.​

Energlaze Home Energy Upgrades can advise you on the best energy upgrades for your home that will make the biggest impact to your carbon footprint and home comfort. As a registered SEAI installer we can also maximise any grants that are available.